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Monday, May 26, 2014

Are women weak?

Us, women, get worried about almost everything, even over small things. I think it’s in our nature to worry and stress too much. I remember when I was reading a certain diary on Facebook (Diary ka sindiswa) and they wrote that women are always crying over small things. This is true, because if your nail gets chipped, you cry, maybe your boyfriend does not call, you cry, you pass your exam, you cry still. All of these lead to both stress and worry.
I remember two months ago I lost my lip gloss and I got stressed to an extent that I cried. To think of it, lip gloss is not that expensive and it’s not like that was the only one I had, but because I’m a woman I got hurt and tears just had to roll down my cheeks. However, one thing I seem to like about being a female is the ability to calm ourselves down if we are in bad space. We just know how to deal with sadness or anger. We cry our lungs out, write everything down or talk to somebody.

Men are the reason women stress
I hate to say this, but one of the biggest factors that make most women worried is ‘men’. You know that moment when you expect someone to call and they don’t, it’s really frustrating. For example, let’s say you went to out on a date, and he does not call for about a day or two. This worries a lot of women, we end asking ourselves if we were not good enough or if we somehow turned him off.
The worst part is when he does not call after you have slept together for the first time or after a long time. Tjo, brothers we get extremely worried about that one ey. Please do not do it, at least sms us later on just to show that you care and make us feel better since we kinda feel embarrassed if you are keeping quiet. Also, this leaves us wondering if we did not impress you or maybe you just using us to satisfy your needs.
According to me, if he does not keep in contact after sleeping with you, he is not in love with you. His mission was to get into your pants and pass to others. My advice, ignore that nigger because he is not serious. I believe if you keep on showing interest in him, he is going to contact you only when he feels like shagging, and trust me; you do not want to be used!

Hair can worry you to the extreme
To tell the truth, guys are not the only main cause to our stress and worry. Hair can also be stressful. Have you ever had a hairstyle for about one or two months and when you suppose to take it off, you do not have cash? Damn! That’s stressing, believe you me, you are going to be deep in thoughts about what to do. This can lead you into unwanted debts because you will have to borrow money from friends. Sometimes we lie to our parents so that we can get that cash for our hair.
Lol, early this month, I too had to take the hairstyle I had off. I have a natural hair and I did not have money to do another style or simply wash it. Iyo, I was worried and stressed simultaneously. I was afraid to even go out of our yard because I felt like everybody is looking at me. I also felt dirty and because of that I thought I was ugly.
There is a Sesotho saying that I like, it says ‘mosadi ke mosadi ka maqheka’, it emphasizes that a woman always has a plan B if plan A does not go accordingly (tactics). This explains why some women would wear a scarf and make it a doek in a more fashionable way when times are tough.

Understanding can be helpful
Some think that women are weak since they easily become emotional. Brothers, no, we are not weak but that’s how were created. You just need understanding, that’s all.
I so wish men could just understand how emotional we are and do things right, I mean things which are going to satisfy us, but not stressing us. Imagine how good can it be if we live in a world whereby understanding one another is something that we practice daily. Even though now it’s difficult to achieve understanding, I will live by hope that one day it will happen. 


Even if you can turn them down, ignore their calls, believe you me they will call you again and again. They just never get tired. I do not know where they get their stamina from and where their pride is. When it comes to girls, it is a different story because they have a huge a pride. It takes guts to call your ex-boyfriend or even the current one. It hurts their pride to take a phone and tell how they feel. It’s really not easy. However, research shows that this is caused by being afraid of disappoint. It carries on and states that girls don’t like spending their airtime on boys; they would rather use it on social networks. But for guys, calling seems to be as easy as ABC. For example, there is this other guy I know. He got dumped by his girlfriend with no valid reason. They have been separated for two months now, but the guy has started calling the girl already. The girl is not speaking to him in a pleasing way but this guy seems to be persistent with his mission. And then I wonder, is he not getting the message that this girl is not interested in talking to him or what? However, this behavior shown by boys is pleasing them girls to the core. It makes them feel special, they feel loved and appreciated. Even though girls would be complaining about this behavior, deep inside they know that they love it. But please, get it right boys, girls don’t get happy with all their ex’s, they choose who to be happy for from their past. Obviously, there are those who used to make them happier and they are the ones who are able to sometimes put smile on their faces. Not only men from intimate relationships, but every man in the world has this behavior. Perhaps it runs through their veins. For example, your male and female uncles are different in using their airtime to call. Female uncles usually wait for your callback message before they can call you, but as for the male ones, they call whenever they get time. 

  •  Men are known to be brave, so they are not afraid of almost everything.  Unlike women, men don’t have pride. 
  •  In eastern perspective, men are regarded as the heads, meaning that they have to lead in everything they do (calling, SMSing included) 
  •  Most guys enjoy bragging about having many girls in their league. Therefore, after calling you, they run to their friends and tell them that you two are in speaking terms and you still love him, just that you in denial. Yup, that’s how awesome they are.
  • They rarely do social networks, so their airtime is always on point and they use it to call girls.