Marriage is
regarded as a communion bounding two people together. According to Dominik
Schoebi, Benjamin R. Karney (Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 2011) marriage is a covenant; not a partnership or a contract.
A covenant is forever or until it can no
longer be done, “until death do us part”. When you agree to marry someone, it
means you are ready to commit yourself and be a wife/husband. This implies that
you leave old stuff behind and focus on one partner; you also need to show
affection to your partner now and forever more. See, marriage is not as easy as
many might think. Schoebi & Karney (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2011) say commitment means do what it
takes to make the relationship successful. In a long-term relationship, both
parties cannot always get their way.
Advantages of marriage
Although this
commitment seems to be tough, I say it’s the best choice as well as experience.
Your sex life is healthy since you both don’t have to go out dating different
people. The highest levels
of sexual satisfaction were reported by individuals who were married,
monogamous relationships, while those who were single or cohabiting reported
slightly lower levels of sexual satisfaction (Journal of Marriage and Family, Vol. 62, No. 4 (November
2000), pp. 999–1017). Also, you help each other financially, meaning that you
will not struggle a lot.
Adultery has no chance
When you choose to
be married, you avoid adultery as well. This is the reason why I would love to
be married in the near future. With my whole heart I Hate with capital H older
people (parents) who are fooling around. It’s sad and embarrassing to find out
that your parent is dating somebody from your ex’s family. It makes you wanna
disappear from this world and come back after a while. However, this whole mess
can be prevented from happening by sticking to one partner.
Being a widow does not make you any special
I know some are
widowed; it was never their intention to grow old alone. Even though nature
(death) took your sweetheart away, it’s still possible to stick to one partner.
Okay, I cannot be against dating, but I just feel that it would be better if
you go for someone your age. I hate mothers who are into ben10’s, can’t they
get appropriate guys? Please!! This ben10 thingy is annoying to the core.
Ladies… Please
Even if you have
“baby face” or small body, ladies please go for your peers. You don’t have to
know their age; you can tell if someone is your size by listening to how they
talk, how they wear and how they do things. Imagine this; mother and her
daughter have dated different guys from the same family not knowing? I do not
know about you, but it does not sound good to me.
Same applies to men
Same goes to men;
it is advisable to choose one person. Since statistics showed that most men are
unable to stay without women in their lives, it is wise for a man to remarry if
his darling passed on. A father who changes women like underwear is
disrespecting and embarrassing his children. They get mocked and teased by
their peers in the streets. This negatively affects both their self-esteem and
self- concept.
Even the unmarried ones
To the ones
marriage was never meant for them, those who say they do not want to be
married. It’s fine, you can still be in a relationship with one partner. In
this way, you are saving yourself and family the embarrassment.
It is slightly different with young people (Youth)
As for youth,
please try and be faithful to your boy/girlfriend. Faithfulness is learned from
an early age. Anyway, if you are still a youth, single and have no kids, you
can experiment being a Ben10 or having one but don’t make it a habit. Being a
youth means you are in a stage where you really have to explore, so that you
can speak from experience with your children in your middle or late adulthood.
However, you need
to be extra careful since there are various diseases out there and many
dangerous things. Take extra care!!!
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